Produksi Gas Seng Segat Milik EMP Bentu Mulai Meningkat

Dari Pemerintah sendiri telah menjadwalkan ada 11 proyek utama minyak dan gas bumi (migas) yang akan beroperasi (onstream) pada 2019 termasuk di dalamnya proyek Seng Segat dan proyek Terang Sirasun Batur (TSB) Phase-2. Adapun ke-11 proyek itu adalah: - Bukit Tua Phase-3 milik Petronas Carigali Ketapang II Ltd. dengan …

Hilcorp files plans with state of Alaska to restart oil drilling in

Hilcorp North Slope also indicated drilling of up to four new wells in the Lisburne and Point McIntyre areas in its 2021 plan of development, or POD, for the Greater Point McIntyre regulatory sub ...

Millrock Enters Into Exploration Agreement Concerning Apex …

Millrock has executed an agreement with Coeur Explorations, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Coeur Mining, Inc. concerning claims controlled by Millrock at the Apex gold project, located ...

Bumi Resources Minerals (BRMS) Finalisasi Capex Proyek Tambang Seng

Bisnis, JAKARTA - Emiten pertambangan logam, PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk., masih dalam tahap finalisasi anggaran belanja modal atau capital expenditure (capex) untuk pembangunan pabrik pengolahan timbal dan seng di Dairi, Sumatera Utara.. Direktur Bumi Resources Minerals Herwin Hidayat mengatakan bahwa …

Millrock Reports on Exploration Results, Return of

Millrock Resources Inc. is a premier project generator to the mining industry. Millrock identifies, packages, and operates large-scale projects for joint venture, thereby exposing its shareholders ...

Hilcorp's $5.6B Alaska deal draws close look by credit rating …

State regulators on Thursday are poised to decide whether Hilcorp Energy can keep its finances private as it seeks to acquire BP Alaska's assets for $5.6 billion. Because it is a privately owned ...

Profil PT Gorontalo Minerals, Tambang Batu Hitam Milik …

21 juta untuk membangun fasilitas pendukung untuk proyek pertambangan (pembuangan limbah, kolam sedimen, power supply, base camp. dll). 10 juta dolar untuk membangun fasilitas pengelolaan tailing. 3 juta untuk pengadaan alat berat. PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk. ("BRM") adalah Perusahaan pertambangan multi mineral yang …

Millrock Provides Company Update

Millrock President and CEO Gregory Beischer commented: "Millrock is looking forward to a very active upcoming year with numerous catalysts that could serve …

Proyek Mangkrak KRAS Rp 10 T, Ada Perintah Jalan Terus

Menurut dia, proyek itu nyatanya terus dijalankan di era kepemimpinan Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno. "Saya gak tahu proyek itu diperintahkan harus jalan terus, dari jamannya Bu Rini," kata dia menambahkan. Meski begitu, Roy menambahkan, saat ini situasi KRAS sudah berubah lebih baik di bawah kepemimpinan Silmy Karim.

Bumi Mineral Jual 51% Saham Dairi Prima untuk Biayai …

Bumi menargetkan proyek tambang emas itu bisa berproduksi tahun 2020.

Tinjauan Magic Eden 2022: Yang Perlu Diketahui Sebelum …

Magic Eden adalah desentralisasi NFT marketplace yang dibangun di atas blockchain Solana. Ini berarti siapa pun dapat membeli, menjual, atau memperdagangkannya NFTs tanpa melalui pihak ketiga yang terpusat. Proyek ini telah aktif sejak Januari 2021 dan saat ini merupakan yang terbesar NFT-proyek terkait di Solana.

Millrock and Partner Felix Gold Expand Fairbanks Gold …

Highlights208 State of Alaska mining claims have been staked to cover areas prospective for gold mineralization.Land holdings in the Fairbanks Gol...

Millrock Resources loses 2 property deals in Alaska

According to Millrock, the mineralization intersected at theproject's Dry Creek prospect is highly anomalous, but not strong enough to encouragefurther drilling. The …

Millrock Stakes Lisburne Zinc Project, Alaska

The project is located 220 km northwest of the town of Kotzebue and 20 km south of Cape Lisburne on the coast of the Chukchi Sea. It consists of 83 State of …

Millrock Stakes Lisburne Zinc Project, Alaska

Millrock Resources Inc. announces today that through staking it has acquired a large claim group in northwest Alaska that is prospective for large-scale zinc deposits.

Prediksi Laut China Selatan pada 2023: Situasi Makin …

Di sisi lain, Amerika Serikat dan sekutunya, termasuk Australia, bertekad mempertahankan kehadiran mereka di sana, mempertaruhkan proyek minyak dan gas, potensi perikanan, sumber daya dasar laut, serta rute perdagangan di kawasan tersebut. Berikut ini penjelasan apa saja yang sudah terjadi di Laut China Selatan, serta …

2014 — Millrock Resources Inc.

Millrock Stakes Lisburne Zinc Project, Alaska. Apr 16, 2014. Apr 16, 2014. Feb 3, 2014. ... Feb 3, 2014. Jan 27, 2014. Millrock Grants Right Of First Refusal To …

Millrock Enters Definitive Exploration Agreement on

Millrock has executed a definitive Option to Joint Venture agreement with Resolution Minerals Ltd. ("Resolution") concerning Millrock's district-scale 64North gold project in eastern Alaska ...

Premier Oil Mulai Salurkan Gas dari Proyek BIGP Blok Natuna

Premier Oil telah merampungkan sebagian proyek Bison, Iguana, dan Gajah-Puteri (BIGP) di Wilayah Kerja Natuna Sea Block A. Penyaluran gas pertama dari proyek bernilai sekitar US$ 325 juta tersebut dilakukan pada Kamis, 28 November 2019 lalu. Kepala Divisi Program dan Komunikasi SKK Migas Wisnu Prabawa Taher menyatakan, …

Exploring Alaska's golden mining future

When it comes to value, old money beats "new oil" – for now Mining Explorers 2021 - January 27, 2022. While copper has the potential to be a major contributor to Alaska's economic future, this "new oil" of the low-carbon economy will be hard-pressed to beat out the old money being produced at current and coming gold mines across the …


Seng, zinkum ( bahasa Latin: zincum ), zink ( bahasa Belanda: zink ), atau timah sari adalah sebuah unsur kimia dengan lambang Zn dan nomor atom 30. Seng adalah logam yang sedikit rapuh pada suhu kamar dan memiliki penampilan keabu-abuan keperakan ketika oksidasi dihilangkan. Ia merupakan unsur pertama dalam golongan 12 (IIB) dari tabel …

BRMS Raih Laba Rp 1,15 miliar pada Kuartal I 2019

Ilustrasi Bumi Resources Minerals. PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk ( BRMS) membukukan laba bersih pada kuartal I 2019 sebesar US$ 81.723 atau setara dengan Rp 1,15 miliar (dengan kurs Rp 14.160 per US$ 1). Sedangkan, pada periode yang sama tahun lalu BRMS mencatatkan kerugian sebesar …

Millrock Acquires Property Interests and Provides

Highlights: Millrock has signed an option to purchase a 100% interest in the former producing Grant Mine near Fairbanks, Alaska. The Grant Mine is a high-grade vein deposit with expansion potential.

lisburne — News — Millrock Resources Inc.

The Core Shack. Featured Company Updates

Millrock Provides Exploration Update on 64North Gold

The 64North Project surrounds the Pogo Gold Mine owned by Northern Star Resource Ltd., and is located approximately 120 kilometers from Fairbanks, Alaska in the Tintina Gold Province. The two main ...

Millrock Makes Corporate Changes; Announces Planned …

Highlights: Millrock will become an energy metal explorer – developer focused on its Nikolai project in Alaska, targeting a potentially large resource of nickel, copper, cobalt, chromium, iron ...

Millrock Stakes Lisburne Zinc Project, Alaska

, BRITISH COLUMBIA - Apr 16, 2014) - Millrock Resources Inc. (TSX VENTURE:MRO) ("Millrock" or the "Company") announces today that through staking it …

Millrock Provides Company Update

Millrock President and CEO Gregory Beischer commented: "Millrock is looking forward to a very active upcoming year with numerous catalysts that could serve to drive the company's share price ...

SKK Migas Kebut 6 Proyek Hingga Akhir Tahun

Lebih lanjut dirinya mengatakan dari total target 11 proyek tahun ini, menyisakan 10 peoyek. Karena satu lapangan ONWJ (YY) mengalami insiden kebocoran, sehingga gagal beroperasi. "Awalnya 11 ada ONWJ (YY)," imbuhnya. Sementara proyek yang sudah operasi tahun ini di antaranya Terang Sirasun Batur Phase-2, proyek Seng …

Millrock Partner Resolution Minerals Reports Drilling Results …

Millrock identifies, packages, and operates large-scale projects for joint venture, thereby exposing its shareholders to the benefits of mineral discovery without the usual financial risk taken on ...

Pagar Seng Proyek Rp 24 Miliar Mudah Roboh | Media …

Hanya sekejap saja pagar seng di pintu masuk lokasi proyek terlihat miring dan hampir roboh usai diterpa angin. Para pekerja pun mulai disibukkan dengan memperbaiki pagar. Entah disengaja atau tidak nampaknya pekerja jasa kontruksi itu rata-rata tanpa menerapkan K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja) saat keluar dari dalam …

Bumi Minerals dan NFC Mulai Garap Proyek Seng Dairi Prima

JAKARTA – PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk (BRMS) memulai kemitraan dengan China Nonferrous Metal Industry's Engineering and Construction Co, Ltd (NFC) untuk mengembangkan proyek seng dan timbal di Dairi, Sumatera Utara. Bumi Minerals telah menjual 51% saham di PT Dairi Prima Mineral (DPM) ke NFC senilai US$198 juta. …

Millrock Stakes Lisburne Zinc Project, Alaska

Millrock Stakes Lisburne Zinc Project, Alaska VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Apr 16, 2014) - Millrock Resources Inc. (TSX …

Millrock Provides Exploration Update For Alaska Gold

Millrock identifies, packages, and operates large-scale projects for joint venture, thereby exposing its shareholders to the benefits of mineral discovery without the usual financial risk taken on ...


Millrock has entered an option to purchase agreement concerning the Grant Mine with owner Roger Burggraf. Consideration is US$2.0 million to be paid over a six-year period. The new property will ...

Millrock Stakes Lisburne Zinc Project, Alaska

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, March 16, 2014 - Millrock Resources Inc. (TSX-V: MRO) ("Millrock" or the "Company") announces today that through staking it …

Millrock and Centerra Gold Commence Exploration at Los

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Gregory A. Beischer (604) 638-3164 Millrock Resources Inc. 800 - 789 West Pender Street Vancouver, BC V6C 1H2

Millrock Stakes Lisburne Zinc Project, Alaska

Millrock Resources Inc. announces today that through staking it has acquired a large claim group in northwest Alaska that is prospective for large-scale zinc deposits....

Millrock and Partner Felix Gold Expand Fairbanks Gold …

Millrock has assigned its rights to Felix Gold in return for a large equity stake in the company once it is listed on the ASX, as announced in Millrock's January 12th, 2021 press release. Felix ...

Millrock Outlines Significant Exploration Target

Based on historical INCO Ltd. drill hole assay data available to Millrock, newly received assays reported on September 26, 2022, and positive mineralogy results reported on September 29, 2022 ...